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Personal and Managerial Effectiveness (PME)

Personal and Managerial Effectiveness (PME)

Assessment Type: Individual Assignment- Academic Report

Indicative Assessment Requirements for the Module;-
The modern workplace is increasingly changing and managers often find themselves with many challenges one of which is that of managing a diverse workforce.

Select one business organisation of your choice and evaluate critically the business benefits of effective diversity management.

Include in your report five supported recommendations to management about how such processes could be enhanced.

Include the following sub-topics in your report;
•    A title page
•    An executive summary
•    An introduction
•    Literature review
•    Discussion and analysis
•    Conclusion
•    Recommendations
•    References
•    Bibliography

Maximum Word Limit and Assessment weighting:
•    Word Limit – The total word limit is 3000 words.

•    Weightage – 50% of the module


Description of Assessment Requirements

•    All assignments must be word processed – handwritten assignments will attract an automatic FAIL grade.
•    The assignment should be in a report format.
•    Assignments will be graded on the basis of research done, analysis of the facts collated, stand taken and the justification of the stand.
•    All research must be referenced using the Harvard Style of Referencing and a Reference and Bibliography list attached. Improper or lack of either of these constitutes plagiarism and students will be awarded a Zero.
•    Students found copying from other students will also be charged with collusion and awarded a Zero.

Assessment Criteria

Introduction-coverage of background of the topic. (10 marks maximum)
?    Weak coverage with little or no justification: 1-3
?    Satisfactory coverage with some justification: 4-7
?    Good coverage with good justification: 8-10

Review of the related literature-Collection of data from a range of sources (25 marks maximum)
?    Little or no evidence of data: 1-9
?    Satisfactory range of sources: 10-16
?    Excellent range of sources: 17-25

Analysis and evaluation (25 marks maximum)
?    Weak analysis with little or no evaluation: 1-9
?    Satisfactory analysis with some evaluation: 10-16
?    Good analysis with good evaluation: 17-25

Conclusions and Recommendations to management (20 marks)
?    Poor recommendations with little or no justification: 1-7
?    Satisfactory recommendations with some justification: 8-13
?    Good recommendations with good justification: 14-20

Presentation, argument and Harvard referencing (20 marks maximum)
?    Poor presentation, poorly structured argument and poor Harvard referencing: 1-7
?    Satisfactory presentation, logically structured argument and satisfactory Harvard referencing: 8-13
?    Good presentation, logically structured argument and satisfactory Harvard referencing: 14-20



Marking Scheme
Topic    Marks Possible    Allocation of Marks    Comments about Marking


10    ?    Weak coverage with little or no justification: 1-3
?    Satisfactory coverage with some justification: 4-7
?    Good coverage with good justification: 8-10    Coverage of background of the topic and the selected organisation.
Review of the related literature
25    ?     Little or no evidence of data: 1-9
?    Satisfactory range of sources: 10-16
?    Excellent range of sources: 17-25    Collection of data from a range of credible sources.
Analysis and evaluation
25    ?    Weak analysis with little or no evaluation: 1-9
?    Satisfactory analysis with some evaluation: 10-16
?    Good analysis with good evaluation: 17-25    Critical evaluation of the material presented in the report.
Conclusions and Recommendations     20    ?    Poor recommendations with little or no justification: 1-7
?    Satisfactory recommendations with some justification: 8-13
?    Good recommendations with good justification: 14-20    Proposed recommendations to management drawn from the discussion.
Presentation, argument and Harvard referencing
20    ?    Poor presentation, poorly structured argument and poor Harvard referencing: 1-7
?    Satisfactory presentation, logically structured argument and satisfactory Harvard referencing: 8-13
?    Good presentation, logically structured argument and satisfactory Harvard referencing: 14-20    Presentation and structure of the assignment as per assessment brief. Referencing of sources used.
Total    100%

Module Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:-

1.    Introduce students to issues and perspectives in diversity and develop a critical understanding that diversity is not a problem to be managed away, but rather an opportunity to develop greater personal and organisational effectiveness.
2.    increase self-awareness in terms of personal perspectives about diversity issues
3.    better understand the “business case” for managing diversity – why managers should care about and devote resources to cultivating and managing diversity in their organisations

MODULE TITLE: – Personal and Managerial Effectiveness (PME)

Assessment Type: Individual Presentation Paper (PPT slides with notes) and an Academic Report
Indicative Assessment Requirements for the Module;-
You have been hired as a consultant to advise in a Medium Sized Enterprise in the UK that is considering participatory decision making processes within its functions. The senior management has asked you to prepare a presentation to the Executive Board on the effectiveness of group decision making processes.

You are required to prepare a Written Presentation Paper which should include;

a)    Task 1-Academic Report-1500 words
Your report should examine critically, the strategic benefits or otherwise of group decision making models.
Include the following sub-titles in your academic report;
1.    A title page
2.    An introduction
3.    Discussion and analysis
4.    Conclusion
5.    Recommendations
6.    References
7.     Bibliography

b)    Task 2- Presentation-300 words
Prepare a maximum of 10 Power Point Slides with notes for presentation to the Executives’ Board.

Maximum Word Limit and Assessment weighting:
•    Word Limit- Academic Report – 1500 words.

•    Word Limit- PPT Slides with notes- 300 words.

•    Weightage – 50% of the module.


Description of Assessment Requirements

•    All assignments must be word processed – handwritten assignments will attract an automatic FAIL grade.
•    The assignment should be in a report format.
•    Assignments will be graded on the basis of research done, analysis of the facts collated, stand taken and the justification of the stand.
•    All research must be referenced using the Harvard Style of Referencing and a Reference and Bibliography list attached. Improper or lack of either of these constitutes plagiarism and students will be awarded a Zero.
•    Students found copying from other students will also be charged with collusion and awarded a Zero.
•    Prepare 10 Power Point Slides (with notes page) in addition to the Academic Report for your Presentation Paper.

Assessment Criteria

Introduction-coverage of background of the topic. (10 marks maximum)
?    Weak coverage with little or no justification: 1-3
?    Satisfactory coverage with some justification: 4-7
?    Good coverage with good justification: 8-10

Review of the related literature-Collection of data from a range of sources (15 marks maximum)
?    Little or no evidence of data: 1-5
?    Satisfactory range of sources: 6-10
?    Excellent range of sources: 11-15

Analysis and evaluation (25 marks maximum)
?    Weak analysis with little or no evaluation: 1-9
?    Satisfactory analysis with some evaluation: 10-16
?    Good analysis with good evaluation: 17-25

Conclusions and Recommendations to management (20 marks)
?    Poor recommendations with little or no justification: 1-7
?    Satisfactory recommendations with some justification: 8-13
?    Good recommendations with good justification: 14-20

PPT Presentation and structure (30 marks maximum)
?    Poor  PPT presentation, poorly structured argument: 1-10
?    Satisfactory PPT presentation, logically structured argument: 11-20
?    Good PPT presentation, logically structured argument: 21-30


Marking Scheme
Topic    Marks Possible    Allocation of Marks    Comments about Marking


10    ?    Weak coverage with little or no justification: 1-3
?    Satisfactory coverage with some justification: 4-7
?    Good coverage with good justification: 8-10    Coverage of background of the topic and the selected organisation.
Review of the related literature
15    ?    Little or no evidence of data: 1-5
?    Satisfactory range of sources: 6-10
?    Excellent range of sources: 11-15
Collection of data from a range of credible sources.
Analysis and evaluation
25    ?    Weak analysis with little or no evaluation: 1-9
?    Satisfactory analysis with some evaluation: 10-16
?    Good analysis with good evaluation: 17-25    Critical evaluation of the material presented in the report.
Conclusions and Recommendations     20    ?    Poor recommendations with little or no justification: 1-7
?    Satisfactory recommendations with some justification: 8-13
?    Good recommendations with good justification: 14-20    Proposed recommendations to management drawn from the discussion.
PPT Presentation and structure    30    ?    Poor  PPT presentation, poorly structured argument: 1-10
?    Satisfactory PPT presentation, logically structured argument: 11-20
?    Good PPT presentation, logically structured argument: 21-30
Structure and effectiveness in communication of the PPT slides attached with the report.
Total    100%

Module Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:-

•    enhance skills for identifying and analysing diversity-related dilemmas in the workplace
•    develop an increased sense of one’s own discretionary power as a person and as a manager to deal effectively and constructively with the opportunities and challenges of diversity to gain strategic/competitive advantage

Personal Managerial Effectiveness

Level (4-6 u/g;
7 p/g; 8 doctorate)    Credits    ECTS Credit    Module Value    %  Taught in Welsh    Module Type
5    20    10            Compulsory

Teaching Period    Pre-requisites

Module Leader    School(s)    Campus
David Mwaura        London School of Commerce

Assessment Methods
Assessment Type    Duration/Length of Assessment Type    Weighting of Assessment    Approximate Date of Submission
An individual presentation    30 minutes maximum     50 %
An academic report    3000 maximum words    50%

This module deals with theories and practices relevant to personal and managerial competencies, including how managers learn, individual learning styles, developing specific managerial competencies, learning to learn, self management, integrating managerial competencies with management development and facilitating a learning environment.

It also provides students with an opportunity to create a plan for developing the abilities associated with superior managerial performance. It provides an orientation to the self-directed, active learning methods of the entire program. This course explores contemporary ideas on effective leadership and management. Team exercises, case studies and assessment tools provide the framework for learning. The module also provides insights from psychology into managing people in a variety of settings, including small enterprises, public and not-for-profit organisations and large corporations.

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes of the module are to:-

•    Introduce students to issues and perspectives in   diversity and develop a critical understanding that diversity is not a problem to be managed away, but rather an opportunity to develop greater personal and organisational effectiveness.
•    increase self-awareness in terms of personal perspectives about diversity issues
•    better understand the “business case” for managing diversity – why managers should care about and devote resources to cultivating and managing diversity in their organisations
•    enhance skills for identifying and analysing diversity-related dilemmas in the workplace
•    develop an increased sense of one’s own discretionary power as a person and as a manager to deal effectively and constructively with the opportunities and challenges of diversity to gain strategic/competitive advantage

Learning and Teaching Delivery Methods
A variety of teaching approaches is used, including lectures, seminars, case analysis, teamwork and extensive use of electronic resources for guided research.
Lectures/ seminars
Directed learning    48
Independent learning    128
Total study hours    200

Indicative Content
•    Critical Perspectives in Managerial approaches
•    Managerial Psychology
•    Managing Change and Innovation
•    Assessment of employees
•    Managing diversity

Recommended Reading & Required Reading

Books (current editions):
Core Text:
•    Mullins L (2010) Management and Organisational Behaviour, (9thedn) FT Prentice Hall
Recommended Reading:
•    Buelens, Van den Broeck and Vanderheyden (2005) Organizational Behaviour, (3rd European edn) Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill
•    Adair J  (1998) Leadership Skills Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
•    Armstrong M (2004) How to Be an Even Better Manager: A Complete A to Z of Proven Techniques and Essential Skills  Kogan Page
•    Avery C, Walker M and Murphy E (2001) Teamwork Is an Individual Skill: Getting Your Work Done When Sharing Responsibility  Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc
•    Bloisi, Cook and Hunsaker (2003) Management and Organisational Behaviour  McGraw-Hill Education
•    Fotis G and Fotis B(1996) Improving Personal Effectiveness : A Practical Guide to Nine Powerful People-Skills: Memo from a Modern Methuselah : A Practical Guide to Nine Powerful People-Skills  Career/Scope Pub
•    Fowler A  (1998) Negotiating, Persuading and Influencing (Management Shapers) Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
•    Guirdham M (2002) Interactive Behaviour at Work FT Prentice Hall
•    Hardingham A (1998) Working in Teams (Management Shapers) Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
•    Honey P and Mumford A (2000) The Learning Styles Helper’s Guide  Peter Honey Publications
•    Hopson B, Scally M and Barrie H (1999) Build Your Own Rainbow: Workbook for Career and Life Management  Management Books 2000
•    Jarvis P, Holford J and Griffin C (2003) The Theory and Practice of Learning  Routledge Falmer
•    Laborde G (1998) Influencing with Integrity: Management Skills for Communication and Negotiation  Crown House Publishing
•    McDemott I and Jago W (2004) Your Inner Coach: A Step-by-Step Guide to Increasing Personal Fulfilment and Effectiveness  Piatkus Books
•    Murduch A and Scutt C  (1997) Personal Effectiveness Institute of Management Foundation

Access to Specialist RequirementsNo

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Personal and Managerial Effectiveness (PME)

Personal and Managerial Effectiveness (PME)

Assessment Type: Individual Assignment- Academic Report

Indicative Assessment Requirements for the Module;-
The modern workplace is increasingly changing and managers often find themselves with many challenges one of which is that of managing a diverse workforce.

Select one business organisation of your choice and evaluate critically the business benefits of effective diversity management.

Include in your report five supported recommendations to management about how such processes could be enhanced.

Include the following sub-topics in your report;
•    A title page
•    An executive summary
•    An introduction
•    Literature review
•    Discussion and analysis
•    Conclusion
•    Recommendations
•    References
•    Bibliography

Maximum Word Limit and Assessment weighting:
•    Word Limit – The total word limit is 3000 words.

•    Weightage – 50% of the module


Description of Assessment Requirements

•    All assignments must be word processed – handwritten assignments will attract an automatic FAIL grade.
•    The assignment should be in a report format.
•    Assignments will be graded on the basis of research done, analysis of the facts collated, stand taken and the justification of the stand.
•    All research must be referenced using the Harvard Style of Referencing and a Reference and Bibliography list attached. Improper or lack of either of these constitutes plagiarism and students will be awarded a Zero.
•    Students found copying from other students will also be charged with collusion and awarded a Zero.

Assessment Criteria

Introduction-coverage of background of the topic. (10 marks maximum)
?    Weak coverage with little or no justification: 1-3
?    Satisfactory coverage with some justification: 4-7
?    Good coverage with good justification: 8-10

Review of the related literature-Collection of data from a range of sources (25 marks maximum)
?    Little or no evidence of data: 1-9
?    Satisfactory range of sources: 10-16
?    Excellent range of sources: 17-25

Analysis and evaluation (25 marks maximum)
?    Weak analysis with little or no evaluation: 1-9
?    Satisfactory analysis with some evaluation: 10-16
?    Good analysis with good evaluation: 17-25

Conclusions and Recommendations to management (20 marks)
?    Poor recommendations with little or no justification: 1-7
?    Satisfactory recommendations with some justification: 8-13
?    Good recommendations with good justification: 14-20

Presentation, argument and Harvard referencing (20 marks maximum)
?    Poor presentation, poorly structured argument and poor Harvard referencing: 1-7
?    Satisfactory presentation, logically structured argument and satisfactory Harvard referencing: 8-13
?    Good presentation, logically structured argument and satisfactory Harvard referencing: 14-20



Marking Scheme
Topic    Marks Possible    Allocation of Marks    Comments about Marking


10    ?    Weak coverage with little or no justification: 1-3
?    Satisfactory coverage with some justification: 4-7
?    Good coverage with good justification: 8-10    Coverage of background of the topic and the selected organisation.
Review of the related literature
25    ?     Little or no evidence of data: 1-9
?    Satisfactory range of sources: 10-16
?    Excellent range of sources: 17-25    Collection of data from a range of credible sources.
Analysis and evaluation
25    ?    Weak analysis with little or no evaluation: 1-9
?    Satisfactory analysis with some evaluation: 10-16
?    Good analysis with good evaluation: 17-25    Critical evaluation of the material presented in the report.
Conclusions and Recommendations     20    ?    Poor recommendations with little or no justification: 1-7
?    Satisfactory recommendations with some justification: 8-13
?    Good recommendations with good justification: 14-20    Proposed recommendations to management drawn from the discussion.
Presentation, argument and Harvard referencing
20    ?    Poor presentation, poorly structured argument and poor Harvard referencing: 1-7
?    Satisfactory presentation, logically structured argument and satisfactory Harvard referencing: 8-13
?    Good presentation, logically structured argument and satisfactory Harvard referencing: 14-20    Presentation and structure of the assignment as per assessment brief. Referencing of sources used.
Total    100%

Module Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:-

1.    Introduce students to issues and perspectives in diversity and develop a critical understanding that diversity is not a problem to be managed away, but rather an opportunity to develop greater personal and organisational effectiveness.
2.    increase self-awareness in terms of personal perspectives about diversity issues
3.    better understand the “business case” for managing diversity – why managers should care about and devote resources to cultivating and managing diversity in their organisations

MODULE TITLE: – Personal and Managerial Effectiveness (PME)

Assessment Type: Individual Presentation Paper (PPT slides with notes) and an Academic Report
Indicative Assessment Requirements for the Module;-
You have been hired as a consultant to advise in a Medium Sized Enterprise in the UK that is considering participatory decision making processes within its functions. The senior management has asked you to prepare a presentation to the Executive Board on the effectiveness of group decision making processes.

You are required to prepare a Written Presentation Paper which should include;

a)    Task 1-Academic Report-1500 words
Your report should examine critically, the strategic benefits or otherwise of group decision making models.
Include the following sub-titles in your academic report;
1.    A title page
2.    An introduction
3.    Discussion and analysis
4.    Conclusion
5.    Recommendations
6.    References
7.     Bibliography

b)    Task 2- Presentation-300 words
Prepare a maximum of 10 Power Point Slides with notes for presentation to the Executives’ Board.

Maximum Word Limit and Assessment weighting:
•    Word Limit- Academic Report – 1500 words.

•    Word Limit- PPT Slides with notes- 300 words.

•    Weightage – 50% of the module.


Description of Assessment Requirements

•    All assignments must be word processed – handwritten assignments will attract an automatic FAIL grade.
•    The assignment should be in a report format.
•    Assignments will be graded on the basis of research done, analysis of the facts collated, stand taken and the justification of the stand.
•    All research must be referenced using the Harvard Style of Referencing and a Reference and Bibliography list attached. Improper or lack of either of these constitutes plagiarism and students will be awarded a Zero.
•    Students found copying from other students will also be charged with collusion and awarded a Zero.
•    Prepare 10 Power Point Slides (with notes page) in addition to the Academic Report for your Presentation Paper.

Assessment Criteria

Introduction-coverage of background of the topic. (10 marks maximum)
?    Weak coverage with little or no justification: 1-3
?    Satisfactory coverage with some justification: 4-7
?    Good coverage with good justification: 8-10

Review of the related literature-Collection of data from a range of sources (15 marks maximum)
?    Little or no evidence of data: 1-5
?    Satisfactory range of sources: 6-10
?    Excellent range of sources: 11-15

Analysis and evaluation (25 marks maximum)
?    Weak analysis with little or no evaluation: 1-9
?    Satisfactory analysis with some evaluation: 10-16
?    Good analysis with good evaluation: 17-25

Conclusions and Recommendations to management (20 marks)
?    Poor recommendations with little or no justification: 1-7
?    Satisfactory recommendations with some justification: 8-13
?    Good recommendations with good justification: 14-20

PPT Presentation and structure (30 marks maximum)
?    Poor  PPT presentation, poorly structured argument: 1-10
?    Satisfactory PPT presentation, logically structured argument: 11-20
?    Good PPT presentation, logically structured argument: 21-30


Marking Scheme
Topic    Marks Possible    Allocation of Marks    Comments about Marking


10    ?    Weak coverage with little or no justification: 1-3
?    Satisfactory coverage with some justification: 4-7
?    Good coverage with good justification: 8-10    Coverage of background of the topic and the selected organisation.
Review of the related literature
15    ?    Little or no evidence of data: 1-5
?    Satisfactory range of sources: 6-10
?    Excellent range of sources: 11-15
Collection of data from a range of credible sources.
Analysis and evaluation
25    ?    Weak analysis with little or no evaluation: 1-9
?    Satisfactory analysis with some evaluation: 10-16
?    Good analysis with good evaluation: 17-25    Critical evaluation of the material presented in the report.
Conclusions and Recommendations     20    ?    Poor recommendations with little or no justification: 1-7
?    Satisfactory recommendations with some justification: 8-13
?    Good recommendations with good justification: 14-20    Proposed recommendations to management drawn from the discussion.
PPT Presentation and structure    30    ?    Poor  PPT presentation, poorly structured argument: 1-10
?    Satisfactory PPT presentation, logically structured argument: 11-20
?    Good PPT presentation, logically structured argument: 21-30
Structure and effectiveness in communication of the PPT slides attached with the report.
Total    100%

Module Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:-

•    enhance skills for identifying and analysing diversity-related dilemmas in the workplace
•    develop an increased sense of one’s own discretionary power as a person and as a manager to deal effectively and constructively with the opportunities and challenges of diversity to gain strategic/competitive advantage

Personal Managerial Effectiveness

Level (4-6 u/g;
7 p/g; 8 doctorate)    Credits    ECTS Credit    Module Value    %  Taught in Welsh    Module Type
5    20    10            Compulsory

Teaching Period    Pre-requisites

Module Leader    School(s)    Campus
David Mwaura        London School of Commerce

Assessment Methods
Assessment Type    Duration/Length of Assessment Type    Weighting of Assessment    Approximate Date of Submission
An individual presentation    30 minutes maximum     50 %
An academic report    3000 maximum words    50%

This module deals with theories and practices relevant to personal and managerial competencies, including how managers learn, individual learning styles, developing specific managerial competencies, learning to learn, self management, integrating managerial competencies with management development and facilitating a learning environment.

It also provides students with an opportunity to create a plan for developing the abilities associated with superior managerial performance. It provides an orientation to the self-directed, active learning methods of the entire program. This course explores contemporary ideas on effective leadership and management. Team exercises, case studies and assessment tools provide the framework for learning. The module also provides insights from psychology into managing people in a variety of settings, including small enterprises, public and not-for-profit organisations and large corporations.

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes of the module are to:-

•    Introduce students to issues and perspectives in   diversity and develop a critical understanding that diversity is not a problem to be managed away, but rather an opportunity to develop greater personal and organisational effectiveness.
•    increase self-awareness in terms of personal perspectives about diversity issues
•    better understand the “business case” for managing diversity – why managers should care about and devote resources to cultivating and managing diversity in their organisations
•    enhance skills for identifying and analysing diversity-related dilemmas in the workplace
•    develop an increased sense of one’s own discretionary power as a person and as a manager to deal effectively and constructively with the opportunities and challenges of diversity to gain strategic/competitive advantage

Learning and Teaching Delivery Methods
A variety of teaching approaches is used, including lectures, seminars, case analysis, teamwork and extensive use of electronic resources for guided research.
Lectures/ seminars
Directed learning    48
Independent learning    128
Total study hours    200

Indicative Content
•    Critical Perspectives in Managerial approaches
•    Managerial Psychology
•    Managing Change and Innovation
•    Assessment of employees
•    Managing diversity

Recommended Reading & Required Reading

Books (current editions):
Core Text:
•    Mullins L (2010) Management and Organisational Behaviour, (9thedn) FT Prentice Hall
Recommended Reading:
•    Buelens, Van den Broeck and Vanderheyden (2005) Organizational Behaviour, (3rd European edn) Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill
•    Adair J  (1998) Leadership Skills Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
•    Armstrong M (2004) How to Be an Even Better Manager: A Complete A to Z of Proven Techniques and Essential Skills  Kogan Page
•    Avery C, Walker M and Murphy E (2001) Teamwork Is an Individual Skill: Getting Your Work Done When Sharing Responsibility  Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc
•    Bloisi, Cook and Hunsaker (2003) Management and Organisational Behaviour  McGraw-Hill Education
•    Fotis G and Fotis B(1996) Improving Personal Effectiveness : A Practical Guide to Nine Powerful People-Skills: Memo from a Modern Methuselah : A Practical Guide to Nine Powerful People-Skills  Career/Scope Pub
•    Fowler A  (1998) Negotiating, Persuading and Influencing (Management Shapers) Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
•    Guirdham M (2002) Interactive Behaviour at Work FT Prentice Hall
•    Hardingham A (1998) Working in Teams (Management Shapers) Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
•    Honey P and Mumford A (2000) The Learning Styles Helper’s Guide  Peter Honey Publications
•    Hopson B, Scally M and Barrie H (1999) Build Your Own Rainbow: Workbook for Career and Life Management  Management Books 2000
•    Jarvis P, Holford J and Griffin C (2003) The Theory and Practice of Learning  Routledge Falmer
•    Laborde G (1998) Influencing with Integrity: Management Skills for Communication and Negotiation  Crown House Publishing
•    McDemott I and Jago W (2004) Your Inner Coach: A Step-by-Step Guide to Increasing Personal Fulfilment and Effectiveness  Piatkus Books
•    Murduch A and Scutt C  (1997) Personal Effectiveness Institute of Management Foundation

Access to Specialist RequirementsNo

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Personal and Managerial Effectiveness (PME)

Personal and Managerial Effectiveness (PME)

Assessment Type: Individual Assignment- Academic Report

Indicative Assessment Requirements for the Module;-
The modern workplace is increasingly changing and managers often find themselves with many challenges one of which is that of managing a diverse workforce.

Select one business organisation of your choice and evaluate critically the business benefits of effective diversity management.

Include in your report five supported recommendations to management about how such processes could be enhanced.

Include the following sub-topics in your report;
•    A title page
•    An executive summary
•    An introduction
•    Literature review
•    Discussion and analysis
•    Conclusion
•    Recommendations
•    References
•    Bibliography

Maximum Word Limit and Assessment weighting:
•    Word Limit – The total word limit is 3000 words.

•    Weightage – 50% of the module


Description of Assessment Requirements

•    All assignments must be word processed – handwritten assignments will attract an automatic FAIL grade.
•    The assignment should be in a report format.
•    Assignments will be graded on the basis of research done, analysis of the facts collated, stand taken and the justification of the stand.
•    All research must be referenced using the Harvard Style of Referencing and a Reference and Bibliography list attached. Improper or lack of either of these constitutes plagiarism and students will be awarded a Zero.
•    Students found copying from other students will also be charged with collusion and awarded a Zero.

Assessment Criteria

Introduction-coverage of background of the topic. (10 marks maximum)
?    Weak coverage with little or no justification: 1-3
?    Satisfactory coverage with some justification: 4-7
?    Good coverage with good justification: 8-10

Review of the related literature-Collection of data from a range of sources (25 marks maximum)
?    Little or no evidence of data: 1-9
?    Satisfactory range of sources: 10-16
?    Excellent range of sources: 17-25

Analysis and evaluation (25 marks maximum)
?    Weak analysis with little or no evaluation: 1-9
?    Satisfactory analysis with some evaluation: 10-16
?    Good analysis with good evaluation: 17-25

Conclusions and Recommendations to management (20 marks)
?    Poor recommendations with little or no justification: 1-7
?    Satisfactory recommendations with some justification: 8-13
?    Good recommendations with good justification: 14-20

Presentation, argument and Harvard referencing (20 marks maximum)
?    Poor presentation, poorly structured argument and poor Harvard referencing: 1-7
?    Satisfactory presentation, logically structured argument and satisfactory Harvard referencing: 8-13
?    Good presentation, logically structured argument and satisfactory Harvard referencing: 14-20



Marking Scheme
Topic    Marks Possible    Allocation of Marks    Comments about Marking


10    ?    Weak coverage with little or no justification: 1-3
?    Satisfactory coverage with some justification: 4-7
?    Good coverage with good justification: 8-10    Coverage of background of the topic and the selected organisation.
Review of the related literature
25    ?     Little or no evidence of data: 1-9
?    Satisfactory range of sources: 10-16
?    Excellent range of sources: 17-25    Collection of data from a range of credible sources.
Analysis and evaluation
25    ?    Weak analysis with little or no evaluation: 1-9
?    Satisfactory analysis with some evaluation: 10-16
?    Good analysis with good evaluation: 17-25    Critical evaluation of the material presented in the report.
Conclusions and Recommendations     20    ?    Poor recommendations with little or no justification: 1-7
?    Satisfactory recommendations with some justification: 8-13
?    Good recommendations with good justification: 14-20    Proposed recommendations to management drawn from the discussion.
Presentation, argument and Harvard referencing
20    ?    Poor presentation, poorly structured argument and poor Harvard referencing: 1-7
?    Satisfactory presentation, logically structured argument and satisfactory Harvard referencing: 8-13
?    Good presentation, logically structured argument and satisfactory Harvard referencing: 14-20    Presentation and structure of the assignment as per assessment brief. Referencing of sources used.
Total    100%

Module Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:-

1.    Introduce students to issues and perspectives in diversity and develop a critical understanding that diversity is not a problem to be managed away, but rather an opportunity to develop greater personal and organisational effectiveness.
2.    increase self-awareness in terms of personal perspectives about diversity issues
3.    better understand the “business case” for managing diversity – why managers should care about and devote resources to cultivating and managing diversity in their organisations

MODULE TITLE: – Personal and Managerial Effectiveness (PME)

Assessment Type: Individual Presentation Paper (PPT slides with notes) and an Academic Report
Indicative Assessment Requirements for the Module;-
You have been hired as a consultant to advise in a Medium Sized Enterprise in the UK that is considering participatory decision making processes within its functions. The senior management has asked you to prepare a presentation to the Executive Board on the effectiveness of group decision making processes.

You are required to prepare a Written Presentation Paper which should include;

a)    Task 1-Academic Report-1500 words
Your report should examine critically, the strategic benefits or otherwise of group decision making models.
Include the following sub-titles in your academic report;
1.    A title page
2.    An introduction
3.    Discussion and analysis
4.    Conclusion
5.    Recommendations
6.    References
7.     Bibliography

b)    Task 2- Presentation-300 words
Prepare a maximum of 10 Power Point Slides with notes for presentation to the Executives’ Board.

Maximum Word Limit and Assessment weighting:
•    Word Limit- Academic Report – 1500 words.

•    Word Limit- PPT Slides with notes- 300 words.

•    Weightage – 50% of the module.


Description of Assessment Requirements

•    All assignments must be word processed – handwritten assignments will attract an automatic FAIL grade.
•    The assignment should be in a report format.
•    Assignments will be graded on the basis of research done, analysis of the facts collated, stand taken and the justification of the stand.
•    All research must be referenced using the Harvard Style of Referencing and a Reference and Bibliography list attached. Improper or lack of either of these constitutes plagiarism and students will be awarded a Zero.
•    Students found copying from other students will also be charged with collusion and awarded a Zero.
•    Prepare 10 Power Point Slides (with notes page) in addition to the Academic Report for your Presentation Paper.

Assessment Criteria

Introduction-coverage of background of the topic. (10 marks maximum)
?    Weak coverage with little or no justification: 1-3
?    Satisfactory coverage with some justification: 4-7
?    Good coverage with good justification: 8-10

Review of the related literature-Collection of data from a range of sources (15 marks maximum)
?    Little or no evidence of data: 1-5
?    Satisfactory range of sources: 6-10
?    Excellent range of sources: 11-15

Analysis and evaluation (25 marks maximum)
?    Weak analysis with little or no evaluation: 1-9
?    Satisfactory analysis with some evaluation: 10-16
?    Good analysis with good evaluation: 17-25

Conclusions and Recommendations to management (20 marks)
?    Poor recommendations with little or no justification: 1-7
?    Satisfactory recommendations with some justification: 8-13
?    Good recommendations with good justification: 14-20

PPT Presentation and structure (30 marks maximum)
?    Poor  PPT presentation, poorly structured argument: 1-10
?    Satisfactory PPT presentation, logically structured argument: 11-20
?    Good PPT presentation, logically structured argument: 21-30


Marking Scheme
Topic    Marks Possible    Allocation of Marks    Comments about Marking


10    ?    Weak coverage with little or no justification: 1-3
?    Satisfactory coverage with some justification: 4-7
?    Good coverage with good justification: 8-10    Coverage of background of the topic and the selected organisation.
Review of the related literature
15    ?    Little or no evidence of data: 1-5
?    Satisfactory range of sources: 6-10
?    Excellent range of sources: 11-15
Collection of data from a range of credible sources.
Analysis and evaluation
25    ?    Weak analysis with little or no evaluation: 1-9
?    Satisfactory analysis with some evaluation: 10-16
?    Good analysis with good evaluation: 17-25    Critical evaluation of the material presented in the report.
Conclusions and Recommendations     20    ?    Poor recommendations with little or no justification: 1-7
?    Satisfactory recommendations with some justification: 8-13
?    Good recommendations with good justification: 14-20    Proposed recommendations to management drawn from the discussion.
PPT Presentation and structure    30    ?    Poor  PPT presentation, poorly structured argument: 1-10
?    Satisfactory PPT presentation, logically structured argument: 11-20
?    Good PPT presentation, logically structured argument: 21-30
Structure and effectiveness in communication of the PPT slides attached with the report.
Total    100%

Module Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:-

•    enhance skills for identifying and analysing diversity-related dilemmas in the workplace
•    develop an increased sense of one’s own discretionary power as a person and as a manager to deal effectively and constructively with the opportunities and challenges of diversity to gain strategic/competitive advantage

Personal Managerial Effectiveness

Level (4-6 u/g;
7 p/g; 8 doctorate)    Credits    ECTS Credit    Module Value    %  Taught in Welsh    Module Type
5    20    10            Compulsory

Teaching Period    Pre-requisites

Module Leader    School(s)    Campus
David Mwaura        London School of Commerce

Assessment Methods
Assessment Type    Duration/Length of Assessment Type    Weighting of Assessment    Approximate Date of Submission
An individual presentation    30 minutes maximum     50 %
An academic report    3000 maximum words    50%

This module deals with theories and practices relevant to personal and managerial competencies, including how managers learn, individual learning styles, developing specific managerial competencies, learning to learn, self management, integrating managerial competencies with management development and facilitating a learning environment.

It also provides students with an opportunity to create a plan for developing the abilities associated with superior managerial performance. It provides an orientation to the self-directed, active learning methods of the entire program. This course explores contemporary ideas on effective leadership and management. Team exercises, case studies and assessment tools provide the framework for learning. The module also provides insights from psychology into managing people in a variety of settings, including small enterprises, public and not-for-profit organisations and large corporations.

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes of the module are to:-

•    Introduce students to issues and perspectives in   diversity and develop a critical understanding that diversity is not a problem to be managed away, but rather an opportunity to develop greater personal and organisational effectiveness.
•    increase self-awareness in terms of personal perspectives about diversity issues
•    better understand the “business case” for managing diversity – why managers should care about and devote resources to cultivating and managing diversity in their organisations
•    enhance skills for identifying and analysing diversity-related dilemmas in the workplace
•    develop an increased sense of one’s own discretionary power as a person and as a manager to deal effectively and constructively with the opportunities and challenges of diversity to gain strategic/competitive advantage

Learning and Teaching Delivery Methods
A variety of teaching approaches is used, including lectures, seminars, case analysis, teamwork and extensive use of electronic resources for guided research.
Lectures/ seminars
Directed learning    48
Independent learning    128
Total study hours    200

Indicative Content
•    Critical Perspectives in Managerial approaches
•    Managerial Psychology
•    Managing Change and Innovation
•    Assessment of employees
•    Managing diversity

Recommended Reading & Required Reading

Books (current editions):
Core Text:
•    Mullins L (2010) Management and Organisational Behaviour, (9thedn) FT Prentice Hall
Recommended Reading:
•    Buelens, Van den Broeck and Vanderheyden (2005) Organizational Behaviour, (3rd European edn) Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill
•    Adair J  (1998) Leadership Skills Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
•    Armstrong M (2004) How to Be an Even Better Manager: A Complete A to Z of Proven Techniques and Essential Skills  Kogan Page
•    Avery C, Walker M and Murphy E (2001) Teamwork Is an Individual Skill: Getting Your Work Done When Sharing Responsibility  Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc
•    Bloisi, Cook and Hunsaker (2003) Management and Organisational Behaviour  McGraw-Hill Education
•    Fotis G and Fotis B(1996) Improving Personal Effectiveness : A Practical Guide to Nine Powerful People-Skills: Memo from a Modern Methuselah : A Practical Guide to Nine Powerful People-Skills  Career/Scope Pub
•    Fowler A  (1998) Negotiating, Persuading and Influencing (Management Shapers) Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
•    Guirdham M (2002) Interactive Behaviour at Work FT Prentice Hall
•    Hardingham A (1998) Working in Teams (Management Shapers) Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
•    Honey P and Mumford A (2000) The Learning Styles Helper’s Guide  Peter Honey Publications
•    Hopson B, Scally M and Barrie H (1999) Build Your Own Rainbow: Workbook for Career and Life Management  Management Books 2000
•    Jarvis P, Holford J and Griffin C (2003) The Theory and Practice of Learning  Routledge Falmer
•    Laborde G (1998) Influencing with Integrity: Management Skills for Communication and Negotiation  Crown House Publishing
•    McDemott I and Jago W (2004) Your Inner Coach: A Step-by-Step Guide to Increasing Personal Fulfilment and Effectiveness  Piatkus Books
•    Murduch A and Scutt C  (1997) Personal Effectiveness Institute of Management Foundation

Access to Specialist RequirementsNo

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